How to Overcome a Negative Mindset

How to Overcome a Negative Mindset

As humans, we all experience negative thoughts that can easily lead to a negative mindset. The good news is, we don't have to get stuck there (as discussed during our brain hacks series.) This week the Personal Kaizen team shares a TedTalk by Alison Ledgerwood, a social psychologist at UC Davis, where she explains why our brains focus on the negatives and how to overcome a negative mindset. Please check it out below. Tips to Overcome a Negative Mindset Overcoming the negative takes work and effort! Ledgerwood shares several tips to move past the negative: Spend a few minutes…
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Increase Your Productivity: How To Schedule Priorities

Increase Your Productivity: How To Schedule Priorities

This is the final post in a series focused on increasing your productivity. Previous posts have shared how to increase your productivity by prioritizing the big rocks, defining your values and goals, and prioritizing and planning based on your key roles. We also shared a simple tool to improve your work/life balance, a process for planning the week, the need to define measures of success and hold yourself accountable, and why considering your context, energy, and time available is important. This final post in the series discusses systems to schedule priorities and includes a video that demonstrates the prioritization system author Steve Musica uses.…
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Increase Your Productivity by Using Scrap Time

Increase Your Productivity by Using Scrap Time

We are sharing tips that will help you and other members of the Personal Kaizen community increase your productivity. Today’s post shares a few important continuous improvements I have implemented to my prioritization and scheduling that has really helped increase productivity. Read on to learn improved methods of prioritization and a method to increase your productivity by using scrap time. Problems with the Franklin Covey Method of Prioritization Photo Credit: Franklin Planner I used the Franklin Covey system of prioritization for many years, ranking my priorities as A1, A2, A3, all the way to my last C priority. I would…
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Increase Your Productivity: How to Use Measurement and Accountability

Increase Your Productivity: How to Use Measurement and Accountability

We are sharing tips that will help you and other members of the Personal Kaizen community increase your productivity. Today’s post covers measurement and accountability – areas that are often overlooked – or avoided – by individuals. The most effective people practice personal kaizen – continual progress (every day) that compounds over time into massive achievement. Measure What Matters Legendary venture capitalist John Doerr wrote the New York Times bestseller Measure What Matters and suggests you: Focus and commit to priorities: What are your 3-4 most important goals? A short list of goals is easier to track and commit to getting done.Align…
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Increase Your Productivity: A Simple Process for Planning the Week

Increase Your Productivity: A Simple Process for Planning the Week

Recent posts have shared how to increase your productivity by prioritizing the big rocks, defining your values and goals, and prioritizing and planning based on your key roles. We also shared a simple tool to improve your work/life balance. This post will share a simple process for planning the week to ensure you increase your productivity on the important goals in each of the key roles in your life. A Simple Process for Planning the Week Here is the simple process I’ve been using to plan my week for at least the past ten years. Begin with a review of…
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A Simple Tool to Improve Your Work/Life Balance

A Simple Tool to Improve Your Work/Life Balance

Our last post shared how to prioritize and plan based on your key roles. Focusing on all your roles – as a parent, partner, relative, friend, employee, volunteer, etc. – is one way to help you improve your work/life balance. Despite some recent articles and memes about “quiet quitting,” improving your work/life balance is NOT the same thing as quiet quitting. We’ll describe the idea of “quiet quitting” that has recently become mainstream and share a simple tool you can use to prioritize your life and also improve your work/life balance. The Quiet Quitting Meme “Quiet Quitting” refers to doing…
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Increase Productivity: How to Set Priorities Using Roles

Increase Productivity: How to Set Priorities Using Roles

Recent posts have shared basic concepts for priority setting, including prioritizing your big rocks, using ABC prioritization, and eating that frog first. We also discussed beginning with first things first – ensuring your purpose, values, and goals are included as big rocks. Now we look at combining these concepts with priority setting using roles. Work-Life Balance Using Roles Planning and prioritizing your week can be challenging, even when you are focused on your big rocks. Many years ago, I began the practice of identifying the key roles I hold in my life and my key priorities for growth in each…
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Increase Your Productivity: Purpose, Values, and Goals

Increase Your Productivity: Purpose, Values, and Goals

We spoke about prioritizing your big rocks in our previous post. But how do you determine what the big rocks in your life are? We will share a few methods you can use to determine your life purpose, core values, and goals. Photo Credit: Start with Your Why In the book, Start with Why, Simon Sinek encourages leaders and organizations to lead their messaging with why they do what they do. He shares his simple concept of the Golden Circle, with your why in the middle, then your how and finally what you do on the edge. As Sinek…
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Increase Your Productivity: Priority Setting

Increase Your Productivity: Priority Setting

Are you able to say, “I made great progress in the parts of life I value” at the end of each day? Our next several posts focus on personal and professional productivity – beginning with the importance of priority setting. Here are three great tips for priority setting: Scheduling your Big Rocks first, ABC Prioritization, and Eat That Frog First. Priority Setting – Big Rocks First The first step in priority setting is identifying your values and principles for life. What values are most important to you? What relationships? How will you help others in your life? In what ways…
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Focus on What You Control: Stoic Teachings by Epictetus

Focus on What You Control: Stoic Teachings by Epictetus

The Personal Kaizen community believes simple improvements in our health and mindset will significantly improve the quality of our life. We have recently studied works of Stoic philosophy that we believe can be inspiring to our followers. We have shared 5 Ways Stoic Philosophy Improves your Mood and Attitude and summarized passages from On the Shortness of Life by Seneca. We've also shared some simple Meditations from Marcus Aurelius. This week we highlight Stoic teachings from the handbook by Epictetus: Focus on What You Control! Photo Credit: Fourteen Lines Blog Epictetus is considered one of the founders of Stoic philosophy…
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