I am in the middle of watching Squid Game, the popular new Netflix series. The fictional show is based in South Korea and features a number of people in debt playing childhood games for the chance to win money. The show is very entertaining and also full of life lessons.
Without spoiling the show – and as I write this, I have seen only the first four episodes – many of the characters have made money their life’s pursuit.
They have made the choice that it is not worth living without money.
The Squid Game characters have clearly not followed the Personal Kaizen 10 Rules for Life, but how about you?
Is obtaining money too large a focus in your life?
Has obtaining money become your primary goal in life?
Life and the pursuit of money
If you are making plenty of money – congratulations! But if being rich has become all you care about it is time to reexamine your life.
- Are you spending your time doing things you are good at and enjoy?
- Do you have loving relationships that fulfill you and provide companionship?
- Are you giving some of your time, talent, or money to help others?
- Can you spend more time being present in the moment?
Don’t be a Squid Game character and make the pursuit of money your goal in life. Be more like the stoics and live your life so you aren’t dependent on money. It will pay off for you.