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Personal Kaizen 10 Rules for Life: Rule 8

Personal Kaizen 10 Rules for Life: Rule 8

The Personal Kaizen team is sharing our 10 Rules for Life. Please watch all of our videos beginning with Rule 1. RULE 8: Give back to Others. Helping others is a great way to use the Personal Kaizen 10 Rules for Life in a positive way (maximizing strengths, being proactive and present, experiencing love, learning and growing, etc.). Giving boosts your physical and mental health and makes you a happier person. Studies show benefits include: Lower blood pressure and stress levelsReduced depressionGreater happiness, satisfaction, and self-esteemA longer life! Ideas for Action (HTTP://WWW.AHCHEALTHENEWS.COM) The next time you feel depressed or disappointed…
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Motivational Monday 2021-9-20

Motivational Monday 2021-9-20

Give yourself a moment to check out this Personal Kaizen Motivational Monday quote. Then go give something to someone else! "We make a living by what we get,but we make a life by what we give."Winston Churchill Rule 8 in our 10 Rules for Life series is all about giving back. We'll share the Rule 8 video later in the week. Please let us know how you like these motivational videos in the comments below. Join the Personal Kaizen Community Our community is here to support and encourage both personal and professional continuous improvement, helping you to reach your goals…
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Achieve FIRE

Achieve FIRE

FIRE is an acronym for Financial Independence, Retire Early. The idea is to work hard and save a high percentage of your income while you are young so that you can achieve FIRE financial independence to retire and live off of your savings sooner. The key variables in FIRE include your savings rate while earning income, your estimated spending rate during retirement, and how your savings grow before and after retirement. There are many communities, blogs, videos, and websites sharing tips on the variables above. This post provides a basic description with examples. FIRE Savings Rate The first variable in…
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Personal Kaizen 10 Rules for Life: Rule 7

Personal Kaizen 10 Rules for Life: Rule 7

The Personal Kaizen team is sharing our 10 Rules for Life. Please watch all of our videos beginning with Rule 1. RULE 7: To be rich, spend money on what you love. There is a lot of advice being shared on the internet about budgeting, investing for the future, and the FIRE movement (Financial Independence Retire Early). I am a big fan of the idea of spending smartly but recommend you develop rules about spending focused on what you love. First, understand that the key to a good life has little to do with money as long as you have…
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Motivational Monday 2021-9-13

Motivational Monday 2021-9-13

This Personal Kaizen Motivational Monday quote provides a different way to think about money - if you want to feel rich, spend money on the things you really love! “Spend extravagantly on the things you love, and cut costs mercilessly on the things you don't.”Ramit Sethi Rule 7 in our 10 Rules for Life series focuses on wealth this week. What are the things that make you happy you should spend more money on? Please let us know how you like these motivational videos in the comments below. Join the Personal Kaizen Community Our community is here to support and…
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Think Again

Think Again

Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don't Know is a 2021 book by Adam Grant that several colleagues have recommended. Grant is an organizational psychologist at The Wharton School (UPenn), where he has been the “top-rated professor for seven straight years.” He previously authored the bestsellers Originals and Give and Take. The book is broken into three main themes (individual, interpersonal, and collective) that examine the critical art of rethinking. The themes teach you to question your own opinions, then open other people’s minds, and finally help with collective rethinking for excellence at work and life. Think Again…
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Personal Kaizen 10 Rules for Life: Rule 6

Personal Kaizen 10 Rules for Life: Rule 6

The Personal Kaizen team is sharing our 10 Rules for Life. Please watch all of our videos beginning with Rule 1. RULE 6: Learn and Grow throughout your Life. The growth theory of intelligence believes success is based on hard work, learning, and training. Fixed-mindset individuals dread failure because it is a negative statement on their basic abilities, while growth mindset individuals understand that performance can be improved and learning comes from failure. Our personal kaizen community was started to help us all become better people at work and home. Below we share a few simple ways you can learn…
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Motivational Monday 2021-9-6

Motivational Monday 2021-9-6

The Personal Kaizen motivational Monday quote reminds us that our ability and intelligence is not fixed - hard effort will result in growth! “Love challenges, be intrigued by mistakes, enjoy effort and keep on learning.”Carol Dweck Having a growth mindset is Rule 6 in our 10 Rules for Life series and will be our focus this week. Be proactive about trying new challenges and even failing - this is how we learn and grow. Please let us know how you like these motivational videos in the comments below. Join the Personal Kaizen Community Our community is here to support and…
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Learn the 5 Love Languages

Learn the 5 Love Languages

Rule 5 of our “10 Rules for Life” is to Experience Love and Be Loved. Rule 5 encourages us all to remember that love is a verb. If we are ever feeling "less in love" with someone or something the simple solution is to "do something loving" for your partner or loved one. Author Gary Chapman describes five different love languages in his bestseller The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts. He explains that the secret to keeping your relationship fresh and growing is to ensure your action is seen as loving by your partner. Each of us has…
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Personal Kaizen 10 Rules for Life: Rule 5

Personal Kaizen 10 Rules for Life: Rule 5

The Personal Kaizen team is sharing our 10 Rules for Life. Please watch all of our videos beginning with Rule 1. RULE 5: Experience Love and Be Loved. Love is on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs on the path towards self-fulfillment, meaning happiness requires experiencing love in your life. There are several types of loving bonds that can be created in our lives: Romantic loveLove between family membersCompanion love (between best friends or pets)Spiritual love Love is a verb Love is a verb; it is an action. If you are ever feeling less in love, the solution is to do loving things. Identify…
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