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Motivational Monday 2021-8-30

Motivational Monday 2021-8-30

The Personal Kaizen motivational Monday quote reminds us to smile and love often! “Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.”Mother Teresa To experience love and be loved is Rule 5 in our 10 Rules for Life series and will be our focus this week. Take a moment to smile right now - either for yourself or for another. Please let us know how you like these motivational videos in the comments below. Join the Personal Kaizen Community Our community is here to support and encourage both personal and professional continuous improvement,…
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Simple Meditation

Simple Meditation

Rule 4 of the Personal Kaizen 10 Rules for Life is to "Live in the Moment with a Positive Mindset." Living in the moment is something we can all improve. One of the best ways to become more present is to begin a simple practice of meditation. Meditation calms the mind, lowers blood pressure and stress, and improves focus. There are many different ways to meditate - if you are not currently prioritizing meditation in your life we recommend you experiment with the methods below. Here are several simple meditation practices you can try today. Breathing meditation We will start…
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Hike Slide Mountain Fast

Hike Slide Mountain Fast

On Wednesday, August 24, 2021, I completed a fast hike to the top of the tallest mountain in the Catskill Mountains of New York State. I covered the 2.8 miles in just 48 minutes, leaving me wondering what the fastest times up this mountain are. I did not intend for the hike to be fast as I set off. My backpack had 2.5 liters of water, extra clothes, and some food. I wore trail shoes rather than sneakers. There are several brook crossings. I had just driven over four hours in the car and wasn't stretched well. It was also…
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Personal Kaizen 10 Rules for Life: Rule 4

Personal Kaizen 10 Rules for Life: Rule 4

The Personal Kaizen team is sharing our 10 Rules for Life. Please watch all of our videos beginning with Rule 1. RULE 4: Live in the moment with a positive mindset. One thing we can all control is our attitude. One of my rules for life is to be optimistic and positive rather than pessimistic and negative. Being mindful and thinking positively will increase your happiness and also improve your relationships with others. Here are three ways to grow in this area: Associate with good people. We tend to become most like the people we spend time with. Motivational speaker Jim…
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Motivational Monday 2021-8-23

Motivational Monday 2021-8-23

The Personal Kaizen motivational Monday quote reminds us to live in the present! “You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment.”Henry David Thoreau Our Motivational Monday quote comes from Henry David Thoreau's full journal entry below: April 24, 1859 "There is a season for everything, and we do not notice a given phenomenon except at that season, if, indeed, it can be called the same phenomenon at any other season. There is a time to watch the ripples on Ripple Lake, to look for arrowheads, to study the rocks and lichens,…
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Be Proactive – Covey’s Habit 1

Be Proactive – Covey’s Habit 1

Rule 3 of our "10 Rules for Life" is to Be Proactive. "Be Proactive" is also Habit 1 in Stephen Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Whenever something impacts you, YOU are in control of the response. Effective people choose to take the initiative and act back. The key lesson in Habit 1 is understanding whether you control, influence, or only have concerns about an issue or impact on your life. One of the keys to a happy life is not wasting any of your time worrying about things that happen in your life you have no control…
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Personal Kaizen 10 Rules for Life: Rule 3

Personal Kaizen 10 Rules for Life: Rule 3

The Personal Kaizen team is sharing our 10 Rules for Life. Please watch all of our videos beginning with Rule 1. RULE 3: Be proactive. Go after what you want in your life instead of sitting around and waiting for things to happen to you. Begin by defining your “why” and purpose that maximizes your strengths. Where you are going is more important than how fast you are going. Once you have decided what you want, pursue it. When an opportunity comes along, be brave and take it, even if there is risk involved. Stephen R. Covey defines the four quadrants where all of…
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Motivational Monday 2021-8-16

Motivational Monday 2021-8-16

The Personal Kaizen motivational Monday quote reminds us to be proactive! “Highly proactive people don't blame circumstances, conditions, or conditioning for their behavior. Their behavior is a product of their own conscious choice.”Stephen Covey Whenever something impacts you, YOU are in control of the response. Effective people choose to take the initiative and act back. Being proactive is the key lesson in Habit 1 of Stephen R. Covey's famous book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Being proactive is also Rule 3 in our 10 Rules for Life series and will be our focus this week. Identify a current…
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Building Mental Fitness

Building Mental Fitness

Whether you are a student, business leader, parent, entrepreneur, Olympic athlete - we all share the need for developing our mental fitness as part of our personal development journey. Strengthening mental fitness improves our ability to manage stress, make decisions and influence the way we think, behave and feel. This is a core component of Rule 2 in our 10 Rules for Life. Muscular Meditation Have you ever noticed how much more clear your mind feels after a long walk? You can improve your mental fitness by creating time for daily muscular meditation - any activity that involves repetitive and…
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Eat food, not too much, mostly plants

Eat food, not too much, mostly plants

One of our "Rules for Life" is to take care of your body: develop good habits around eating, exercise, learning, and meditation that will last throughout your life. One key to living by this rule is being smart about the food we consume for energy. A favorite resource about healthy eating is the 2008 book, In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan. The subtitle of the book summarizes everything you really need to know: Eat food*Not too muchMostly plants Eat Food* The asterisk after the word food is important! My favorite definition Pollan gives for food is, "only something your…
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